What causes villagers to leave?

What do green shirt villagers mean?
They may burble benevolently like their fellow villagers, but these green-robed layabouts don't have any trade at all, and just spend each day pottering about aimlessly. You can wave all the emeralds you want - they have nothing for you.
2024-02-19 23:38:49
What happens if you leave when a villager is at your house?
If the player is not inside their house at the time a villager is supposed to visit, the visit will be canceled. If the respective villager is talked to after that, they will be disappointed and will possibly get angry.
2024-02-15 13:51:08
Should i leave my laptop plugged in?
Keeping a laptop battery at a partially charged level for as much of its lifespan as possible will help the battery last longer. Whether your laptop is plugged in or using battery power can also impact the environment. This largely depends on the time of day when your laptop is plugged into an outlet.
2024-01-11 15:19:37
Can you leave darkest dungeon?
To abandon an expedition, click on the "x" button on the top left corner. You can only abandon a quest when your heroes are out of combat.
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