How much is a big blind ante?

How much is a big blind ante?

How much is a big blind ante?

In poker tournaments with an ante, instead of each player posting an ante each hand, the player in the Big Blind will post an amount equal to the Big Blind. For example: with blinds at 500-1,000, the player in the Big Blind will post 1,000 for his/her Big Blind, followed by 1,000 for the Ante.

  • 2023-11-25 21:48:57
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Can big blind raise poker?
A raise after the big blind must at least double it. You can not raise by any amount smaller than any previous player bet or raised in the current hand. 4. After the blinds are made, each player at the table is dealt two cards face down, which are called 'pocket cards'.
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Is luck a big part of life?
This research shows that luck and chance do play a significant role in determining one's success, not just merit and talent.
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Halo 3. It was the fastest-selling video game ever and held the record for biggest entertainment launch in history with $170 million in sales within the first 24 hours and $300 million in one week.
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Is batman a big guy?
DC officially lists Batman as being 6 feet, 2 inches tall. The average height for an adult man is about 5'10,” making Batman taller than average. With the additional height of the costume's hallmark pointy bat ears, Batman's size could look pretty intimidating in a dark alley.
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