Why do people like 24fps?

Why do people like 24fps?

Why do people like 24fps?

24fps was chosen because of math; it is an easily divided number, and editors can work out specific time cuts based on the number of frames. Twelve frames would be half a second; six frames would be a quarter of a second, and so forth.

  • 2024-03-20 14:49:33
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How to Set PS5 as Primary Console [The Right Way!] For game sharing and offline play you can only have one PS5 console activated at the same time.
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Why does 24fps look good?
In the silent film era, filmmakers shot movies between 16 and 20fps, which was why the motion appeared fast and jerky. Today, filmmakers typically shoot video at a minimum of 24fps because this is believed to be the lowest frame rate required to make motion appear natural to the human eye.
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