Why is online chess harder?

Is magic the gathering harder than chess?
Chess and magic are both very deep and intricate games. Magic is harder to learn, deeper, and more complex but what they share is that you are playing against another person. I would say that at the highest calibre of both chess and magic they would take roughly the same amount of skill.
2024-02-08 16:10:26
Is go or chess harder?
Both are worthwhile to learn and play. Go is simpler than Chess and yet more complex. Simpler because all pieces are the same, just black and white, and in Go the pieces do not move around the board. Chess is a hierarchical game where the object is to catch the king.
2024-01-09 15:28:34
Why is online poker harder?
Online poker is hard for several reasons. First, the average online player is more experienced since hands can be played more quickly. Multitabling and HUDs also give seasoned online players a distinct advantage. Finally, the popularity of training sites and poker solvers allow dedicated players to improve quickly.
2023-12-01 08:41:02
Is online poker harder?
Online poker is harder compared to live poker. The natural setting of live poker allows you to feel the game more physically with the rules set in your mind differently compared to looking at a screen. Online players are more rapid due to the sheer number of hands they can play per hour compared to live.
2023-02-11 12:11:06
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