What is the highest dark damage ds2?

What is the highest damage strength weapon in dark souls 3?
Wielded by one of the hardest bosses in Dark Souls history, the Fume Ultra Greatsword is one of the strongest weapons in the game for Strength-based users. With a whopping 50 Strength requirement, this weapon provides a cataclysmic amount of damage to any enemy caught in its path.
2024-02-21 18:48:12
What is the best chime for dark magic ds2?
Chimes, the two best are a dark chime of want, and a dark caitha's chime. Caitha's is faster, but the chime of want allows miracles along with having better damage.
2024-02-19 03:14:07
What is the highest damage weapon in diablo 3?
What is the highest damage weapon in Diablo 3? Assuming you roll max damage(1788/2324.4 on Ancient Legendaries), max attackspeed(7%), and max %damage(10%), the max damage of any weapon goes to Monk Diabos at 4105.317 DPS for a normal legendary or ~ 5336.912 DPS for an Ancient legendary.
2024-01-08 18:21:21
Does eula have highest burst damage?
While you shouldn't expect your typical Eula to deal that much damage, she is still the best Physical DPS in the game. Even with little resource investment in her weapon and artifacts, you can easily deal over 100,000 damage with her Elemental Burst.
2023-02-14 17:02:07
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