Do pilots suffer from depression?

Can depression skip a generation?
Depression does not have a clear pattern of inheritance in families. People who have a first-degree relative (for example, a parent or sibling) with depression appear to have a two to three times greater risk of developing the condition than the general public.
2024-02-17 23:43:39
Do airline pilots live longer?
The second came from the US Airline Pilots Association and looked at pilot deaths after the age of 60. Analysing these two sources, the study's authors deduced that the average age of death for pilots was 61, compared to the average age of death of the general population, which was 63.
2024-02-09 15:09:40
Can pilots land in the ocean?
However, as long as sea conditions are smooth and the ditching is performed in a proper way, an aircraft can land on the sea and remain afloat.
2024-01-11 17:02:03
Do pilots really use autopilot?
Pilots mostly lead the aircraft in a controlled manner by autopilot except for departure and landing. Autopilot is mostly used on passenger aircrafts.
2023-02-15 05:19:13
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