Why did l.a. noire flop?

Why did l.a. noire flop?

Why did l.a. noire flop?

It didn't spark a new trend in detective games or period games. It didn't attract a new audience to gaming. And its much-hyped new "MotionScan" technology—which used a system of 32 cameras to capture an actor's performance in exacting detail—hasn't been applied to another game since.

  • 2023-07-15 02:34:58
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Is l.a. noire ok kids?
There's lots of strong profanity that covers every type of phrase imaginable, as well as plenty of racial slurs.
2024-02-13 19:42:56

Is l.a. noire like heavy rain?
Heavy Rain is another cool La Noire alternative – it's not noire, but a worthy alternative nevertheless, especially if you like crime stories. Heavy Rain focuses on the case of the mysterious Origami Killer who uses rain to drown his victims.
2024-01-05 20:14:12

Why did l.a. noire take 7 years to make?
New motion scanning technology, a massive script and lofty goals for its recreation of Los Angeles made L.A. Noire a tough project to begin with.
2023-10-20 17:08:57

Does l.a. noire have a main story?
L.A. Noire follows the story of Cole Phelps, a former OCS Marine Lieutnant, who during the Battle of Okinawa won an Silver Star for an act of cowardice, which lead to him feeling guilty and disgraced over himself.
2023-08-01 23:19:37

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