Is mythic better than legendary?

Is mythic better than legendary?

Is mythic better than legendary?

There is, technically, no difference, as Mythicals are Legendaries.

  • 2023-09-20 19:11:06
Show all Q/A Info

What is the difference between mythic and legendary gun in codm?
Legendary weapons are very difficult to obtain in COD Mobile because they are very rare. Mythic weapons in COD Mobile usually come into the game through Mythic Drop Crates and will cost some COD Points to obtain.
2024-02-15 04:35:48

What is the best shadow priest legendary for mythic plus?
Best Shadow Priest Legendaries For Mythic+
For Mythic+, we would recommend Shadowflame Prism in most situations. It's far and away our best legendary in Mythic + for your own performance.
2024-02-14 05:27:03

Are mythic legends free?
Mythic Legends is expected to launch next month as a free-to-play game for both iOS and Android devices.
2024-01-13 12:50:26

Is deoxys a legendary or mythical?
Deoxys is a Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon.
2024-01-12 07:46:26