Is skyrim vr normal or special edition?

Is skyrim vr normal or special edition?

Is skyrim vr normal or special edition?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is a virtual reality version of Skyrim Special Edition designed for use with virtual reality headsets.

  • 2024-01-04 05:37:58
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Can you use normal skyrim mods on special edition?
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is the only version of Skyrim that features the in-game mod menu. You can install mods by following the process below: Launch The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition and select "Play." On the next screen, select Mods from the main menu.
2024-01-14 14:20:11

Is skyrim special edition normal skyrim?
Skyrim: Special Edition
The Special Edition is a remaster of the base game, featuring an improved game engine which overhauls the title's graphics in the way of introducing things like volumetric god rays and vastly improved reflections.
2024-01-07 17:09:52

Do normal skyrim saves work with special edition?
Existing save games from the original PC game will work in the PC version of Skyrim Special Edition. Simply copy your old saves from My Games/Skyrim to My Games/Skyrim Special Edition.
2023-02-15 06:10:04

Can you install skyrim special edition mods on normal skyrim?
It would really depend on the mod (some could work 'out of the box' or with light modifications), but generally it is safe to assume SE mods won't work as intended for the Legendary Edition or any other version of original Skyrim.
2023-01-15 19:42:46