Which turtle loves april?

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Who is the 7th ninja turtle?
Venus (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
2024-01-18 15:24:09
What is a sea turtle worth?
The median was US$975,044 and the average US$1.6 million.
2024-01-14 03:51:30
Who loves sky clouds?
Nephophile [Noun.] . Definition: A person who loves clouds; love of clouds; fondness or obsession of clouds. .
2024-01-11 00:21:20
What pikachu loves?
Brian Ashcraft. Among Pokemon fans, it's well-known that Pikachu loves ketchup. Heck, back in 2000, Heinz even released a special edition ketchup with Pikachu on the bottle. But the character hasn't been seen eating it in the anime for years.
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