What is the fastest game in gta?

What is the fastest game in gta?

What is the fastest game in gta?

On the road, the fastest car in GTA 5 Online is the BF Weevil Custom. The $980,000 car has a record top speed of 137.5 mph/221.28 kph.

  • 2024-01-05 19:40:26
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What are the fastest bikes gta story?
The fastest bike in GTA 5 Story Mode is the Pegassi Bati 801 along with its Bati 801RR variant, with a top speed of 135.00 mph (217.26 km/h) it's the best motorcycle in the single-player of Grand Theft Auto V. The Bati 801 and Bati 801RR are inspired by real-life Ducati 848 and Ducati 1199 motorcycles respectively.
2024-02-20 22:38:40

What is the fastest car gta single-player?
The fastest car in GTA 5 Story Mode is the Pißwasser Dominator, with a top speed of 126.50 mph (203.58 km/h) it's the best car in the single-player of GTA V.
2024-02-12 02:02:18

What is the fastest plane gta v?
Fastest Plane in GTA V
The Buckingham Pyro was added to the game in the 2017 update, Smuggler's Run, and still tops the charts in terms of how quick it is. Boasting a top speed of 222.75 mph, only a handful of the other aircraft in the game even come close to it.
2024-02-01 13:19:04

Can modders crash your game gta online?
On December 30, 2022, popular Rockstar Games informer Tez2 shared a tweet informing players that a new exploit was found on the PC version of GTA 5 and its multiplayer variant. According to him, modders and hackers can crash players' games and kick them out of any multiplayer session.
2024-01-01 18:39:36

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