Why is my disc not reading wii?

Can wii discs be copied?
Insert a game into your Wii.
With USB Loader GX open, click "Install" and then "OK". Depending on the size of the game, this could take up to several minutes. Once the game is finished copying, it will appear in the main window of USB Loader GX. At that point, you can eject the disc from the Wii.
2024-02-14 11:12:32
What to do if wii cannot read the disc?
Cleaning the console with a lens-cleaning kit is your first step if the console isn't reading discs at all. The problem may be a dirty lens. If cleaning the lens doesn't help, perform a system update. If cleaning and updating don't do anything, contact Nintendo.
2024-01-16 05:58:14
Why does the wii not read disc?
If the discs look dirty or damaged, clean them. Sometimes a dirty disc can appear damaged, but just needs to be cleaned. If the disc plays without error, please continue to use your Wii as normal. The damaged disc(s) will need to be replaced.
2024-01-11 14:37:54
Can you eject disc from wii without button?
there will be the same instance on the side of the wii that you can lay it on where you can use a spludger except these require a deep triwing screwdriver. Open these up and you will see extra triwings on the face plate of the wii. You can manually trip the sensor and eject the disc.
2023-10-15 04:59:24
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