Which is better the armored kuruma or the insurgent?

Which is better the armored kuruma or the insurgent?

Which is better the armored kuruma or the insurgent?

A typical player will at the first glance of a kuruma switch to a weapon that will simply blow you up. This is where the insurgent is far more usefull as it offers far superior protection to a kuruma as it will withstand multiple explosions before going down.

  • 2024-02-10 06:24:04
Show all Q/A Info

How much will armored core 6 cost?
Various retailers have revealed the Armored Core 6 price for multiple platforms including PS5 and PS4. Like Elden Ring before it, FromSoftware's upcoming mech game will only be $59.99, as opposed to the now usual $69.99 price tag for premium games from numerous publishers including Sony, Microsoft, and Ubisoft.
2024-02-18 21:10:41

What is the best armored tank?
The top ten tanks today are the German KF51 Panther, the American Abrams M1A2, the Russian T-14 Armata, the Korean K2 Black Panther, the Chinese T-99, the German Leopard 2, the French Leclerc XL, the British Challenger 2, the Israeli Merkava V, and the Japanese Type-90.
2023-07-24 09:50:52

What is ap in armored core 4?
AP - Armor Points - This is the health of an AC/NEXT and MT, which ultimately determines how much damage they can take before they are destroyed.
2023-03-08 21:13:22

What is the most powerful armored core?
Throughout Armored Core history, the KARASAWA has been a heavy and devastating energy weapon, typically the most powerful in game. It has undergone numerous changes but perennially consists of the same general shape and design. It commonly features 1500+ damage and usually around 50 shots.
2023-01-22 22:22:16