Can i trade blueprints?

Can i trade blueprints?

Can i trade blueprints?

Blueprint Builds can only be traded on the platform it was purchased on. For example, if you build a Blueprint with Credits on Xbox, you can only trade it on Xbox. Item Shop purchases from both the Item Shop and Esports shop are non-tradeable.

  • 2023-10-08 04:20:28
Show all Q/A Info

Why cant i trade a darkrai?
Darkrai isn't trade-able because he's a "Mythical" Pokemon; however, he was Mythical only starting Gen 5. When he was first introduced in Gen 4 (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum), he was Legendary. Even though he changed from "Legendary" to "Mythical" from Gen 5 and onward, you were still able to obtain him via trade.
2024-01-16 00:23:46

Can i trade pokémon?
Trading allows you to exchange Pokémon with your friends and make progress on completing the Pokédex. Trading occurs in-person and in real-time so you'll need to be in close range of your friend in order to trade Pokémon. Every trade requires that you and your trading partner spend some Stardust.
2024-01-01 00:59:37

Can i trade if i buy a blueprint?
Blueprint Builds can only be traded on the platform it was purchased on. For example, if you build a Blueprint with Credits on Xbox, you can only trade it on Xbox. Item Shop purchases from both the Item Shop and Esports shop are non-tradeable.
2023-08-02 23:17:26

Can i trade back my pokémon?
Pokémon GO does not allow players to trade back Pokémon, or trade a traded Pokémon more than once.
2023-07-08 05:13:55

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