What is the best dungeon for legendaries in diablo immortal?

What is the best dungeon for legendaries in diablo immortal?

What is the best dungeon for legendaries in diablo immortal?

Diablo Immortal legendary farming locations
Realm of Damnation, Plains of Torment: This is one of the best spots for Diablo Immortal legendary farming right now. Simply run around the Northern loop in Plains of Torment and slaugher every demon that appears while activiating any nearby shrines.

  • 2023-01-12 00:03:09
Show all Q/A Info

Can you get legendary gems without paying diablo immortal?
The Diablo Immortal battle pass has three rewards tracks. One of them is free, and usually only offers a couple of Legendary Gems. The paid tracks offer far more Legendary Gems, but you'll need to spend some real money to access these rewards.
2023-09-20 22:44:53

Why cant i sell my legendary gem diablo immortal?
You might have noticed that your gems are not listed when you access the selling tab in the Market menu. This is because the only gems you can sell are those with a balance scale symbol in the top-left corner of their icon.
2023-09-14 10:09:46

Who spends nearly 4000 on diablo immortal and doesn t get any 5 star legendary gems?
A Twitch streamer from New Zealand has spent thousands of dollars on Diablo Immortal without receiving a single 5 star legendary gem. New Zealand Twitch Streamer Quin69 has been highlighting the frustrations of many Diablo Immortal players regarding its aggressive microtransactions model.
2023-07-13 08:25:29

What is the drop rate of legendary crest in diablo immortal?
Legendary Crest 5/5 Gem 1% of 4.5% (0.045%) Drop Rate vs Crafting 5/5 Gem (0.045%) Rate : r/DiabloImmortal.
2023-05-01 17:52:47