How do you quick save in zelda 2?

How do you quick save in zelda 2?

How do you quick save in zelda 2?

Fast Save. If you want to save without dying do this: press START on Controller 1, and then press UP+START on Controller 2. The save screen will appear, and you can then either Save or Continue.

  • 2024-01-11 19:46:36
Show all Q/A Info

Does zelda 2 have dungeons?
There were many changes in this new adventure; most notable being the side scrolling perspective for all of the battle sequences, towns, caves, dungeons, and temples, while only the overworld exploration used the overhead perspective which was prominent in the The Legend of Zelda.
2024-01-04 03:52:09

Is it possible to save both wasteland 2?
No, you can only save one or the other; it's about making a tough decision and the consequences of it.
2023-05-25 08:40:57

Can you save delta in bioshock 2?
Depending on the player's choices throughout the game, one of several outcomes are possible. In the end, Eleanor either preserves Delta's essence within herself by extracting his ADAM, or she allows him to die without doing so. The "Good" Ending (Sofia lives): Save all the Little Sisters.
2023-05-01 15:38:20

Who should i save wolfenstein 2?
Save Wyatt
Choose to sacrifice Fergus and you will be rewarded with a very loyal companion in Wyatt. Much more mild-mannered than Fergus, Wyatt will get along with most everyone aboard the Evas Hammer. It seems that Wyatt has taken up a new hobby.
2023-03-12 06:42:06