What does east egg symbolize?

What poké ball is the egg in?
As most things go in Pokémon breeding, it is the mother's Poké Ball that is passed down.
2024-02-16 03:49:58
What is the longest egg to hatch?
The longest incubation was recorded in the case of an egg of the mallee fowl (Leipoa ocellata), Australia, which took 90 days to hatch, compared with its normal 62 days.
2024-02-13 09:33:54
How long does it take for a dragon egg to hatch in minecraft?
Have a bucket ready, you may have to put out the fire before it spreads, and the dragon could be killed by the fire. By default eggs take 7200 ticks (6 minutes) to hatch, this can be changed in the mod's configs.
2023-02-06 18:34:06
Can you get ditto in an egg?
As Pokémon in the Ditto group cannot breed with members of their own group, Ditto cannot be hatched from an Egg.
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