Is ds1 60 fps on ps4?

Is ds1 60 fps on ps4?

Is ds1 60 fps on ps4?

All versions of the game target 60fps, though only one console gives us an absolute lock, while the PC release rights many wrongs - but is a remarkably unambitious effort overall.

  • 2024-02-10 10:37:27
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Did ps4 have 60 fps?
the maximum framerate for a ps4 is 60.
considering the slim model only does 30 thats pretty good lol.
2023-08-17 11:45:42

Is pubg 60 fps in ps4 slim?
They both run at 30FPS but Pro will have less framerate issues compared to PS4/Slim. I see a lot of people asking about the slim but the fact is it is just a normal and slimmer PS4. The hardware is the exact same.
2023-07-15 05:18:59

Is gta 5 on ps4 slim 60 fps?
PS4 can run this game upto 60fps, sure BFV dips sometimes to 40fps and most of the times remain on 50fps and is still better than 30fps. What can I do if I have a low FPS in GTA V on a PS4 while driving in the city?
2023-06-12 16:22:21

Does ps4 pro get 60 fps?
The PlayStation 4 Pro Supports 4K and it also supports gaming on 1080p Resolution with 60 FPS.
2023-03-14 07:04:41